The commands are tools used in Transformice with many different purposes. To enable these tools just have to type in game chat and tracing "Enter", as if it were a message with the difference that will not be written anywhere. All commands are written with a slash (/) in front.
(The square brackets should not write them, they are only to separate the command itself of what needs to be put later.)
/ Friend [name]: This command allows you to add friends to a player either. / ban [name]: This command allows you to ban a certain player by popular vote (4-5 vote). The banned player is redirected to another room (room / * bad girls) and can not return to where it was before./ ignore [nickname]: This command allows you to totally ignore a player it uncomfortable. When using this command, you will no longer receive whispers of ignored or will read future messages in chat. To designorarlo, just write again / ignore [nickname]. / menu : This command is used for the initial menu reappears on your screen. / music : to leave the music (if any). To reactivate, you must type the command again. / new : This command allows you to disable the items in the shop. When activated, you will have to wait for the next round to see the rest of mice without any clothes. This option is typically used to reduce the lag. / profile [name] : This command allows you to see the profile of any player. / report [player name] : To report an offender. / room : This command will take you to average room either. Write / room followed by the name you want to give your room to go to it, type / room 10 if you want to go to the room 10; or type / room baffbotffa if you want to go baffbotffa minigame. / scroll : This command disables moving the mouse wheel if you are connected from the browser. / Title : This command allows you to see all the titles you've unlocked since you joined in Transformice. To choose one, type / title followed by the number that corresponds to the title you want to wear. For example, if you want to get the title "Little Mouse", just type / degree 0. / totem : This command will send the Editor of Totems. / tutorial : This command is used so you can make the initial tutorial again./ watch [nickname] This command is used to center the view on a player. It allows you to watch the movements of the mouse "watcheado" sharper. While the mouse observed becomes a flashy pink, all other users become transparent. This command can be used with multiple players at once. Rewrite / watch to dry to disable the command. / ^ ^ : Displays some information about Transformice, but not very useful for gamers. / langue Community : I will to change the language the game, you can try / langue BR or / langue IN
/ C [name] : This command allows you to send whispers to a player if it is connected (such as private messages). / filter : Disables the profanity filter. To reactivate, you must type the command again. / font [font] : This command is used to change the font of the chat. / silence * [reason employ this command]: This command is used to not receive whispers from anyone. / silence [reason we employ this command]: This command is used to receive only whispers Your Friends.
/ Debug : This command is used to view linking objects on a map. / Editor : This command will send the Map Editor. / info @ [code map] : This command lets you get all the information on a map including: the nickname of the creator, the map code, the number of votes received, the% of those votes that have supported and category to which it belongs.
/ Ch [player name]: This command is used to place any member of your tribe as a shaman in the next round of the tribe house (only if you have the necessary permissions). / mt : to leave the chat tribe. To reactivate, you must type the command again. / musique [+ full link to a youtube video any]: Allows you to see a video at the home of the tribe. To view the video, the map must have a movie screen (only if you have the necessary permissions). / neige : With this command you can make it snow on your home tribe (only if you have the necessary permissions). To disable it, you must type the command again. / np @ [code map] : Use this command to change the map of the house of the tribe (only if you have the necessary permissions). / npp @ [code map] : This command is used to place a map on the bottom of the home of the tribe (only if you have the necessary permissions). / rt [player name] : This command is used to send an invitation to any user to join your tribe (only if you have the necessary permissions). / s [player name] : This command is used to put any player in the house of the tribe (only if you have the necessary permissions). / t : This command allows you to send a message to all members of your tribe through chat. / tk : This command is used to terminate a user of the tribe. It works even if the user you want to drive is disconnected (only if you have the necessary permissions).
/ Bootcamp : This command takes you to a room bootcamp either. / racing : This command will take you to any racing room. / Survivor : This command takes you to a room any survivor. / vanilla : This command takes you to a vanilla room anyone. / defilante : This command takes you to a room defilante anyone.
/ Atelier801 : This command allowed you to win a free item. Currently not available. / facebook : This command will cause the FaceBook website open in your web browser. If you enter this command, you will receive 20 cheeses (only works once).

The Cfmbot is a bot that belongs to the community of CheeseForMice (CFM - bot). It is connected 24 hours a day and was created with the objective of providing information to users on the Staff of the game. The only way to contact is via whisper Cfmbot so all commands starting with / c Cfmbot:
/ C Cfmbot modlist : This command will list all the mods that are connected to your community. / c Cfmbot sentinels : This command will show a list of all the guards that are connected to your community. / c Cfmbot mapcrew : This command will show a list of all mapcrews connected, whether they are community (the mapcrews are users with the power to approve / disapprove maps and put them in rotation). / c Cfmbot helperlist : This command will list all the helpers that are connected in your community (the helpers are not mods or sentries are just users willing to answer any questions you have about the game).
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