Abbreviation: FR
Language: French.
Moderators of this community:
- Cryquinette
- Faraday
- Jenfil
- Korsakofff
- Mamou
- Meoxie
- Modomaya
- Modomino
- Modopops
- Modorate
- Modothemis
- Modovoid
- Modozap
- Pheicas
- Pikashu
- Thith
Helpers of this community:
Alexiax |
Anghelper |
Calyhelper |
Duckanard |
Fuyuzz |
Helpepite |
Helperplease |
Helpesto |
Helpium |
Helpony |
Helpordi |
Helpyphis |
Kumi |
Leadhelper |
Meaawhelper |
Medecin |
Medicalhelp |
Mimy |
Nepenthesss |
Ringer |
Supahelp |
Tiew |
Watzehelp |
Xtrahelper |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- Killerlux
More mouse device:
FR | 5,143 | February 10 to 2012:11:43 |


Abbreviation: EN/EN2
Language: British English.
Moderators of this community:
- Adell
- Amavauno
- Anastasy
- Arcanacra
- Barrydarsow
- Caitybumz
- Chrisbeer
- Devhyn
- Emililzbth
- Fatpandas
- Flipgraham
- Harrytrotter
- Harsy
- Jkdfi
- Katburger
- Lewbot
- Modkip
- Moiety
- Momokolee
- Muitomice
- Natlog
- Rype
- Snarb
- Testsuro
- Tibal
- Tummbumm
- Verkon
- Whiskypickle
Helpers of this community:
Allaeyr |
Anxiousmouse |
Artakha |
Azulboom |
Blossum |
Bmarie |
Cacster |
Feywina |
Herrenvolk |
Housefly |
Kazumamice |
Kracerlink |
Lilmidge |
Littlelogic |
Maskulino |
Meraki |
Minkee |
Minniemoussy |
Namek |
Nekokairi |
Pompomball |
Sabusha |
Sopharu |
Teddyhelper |
Transfordete |
Vulli |
Weemicky |
Wyverna |
Yunwei |
Zeldaforever |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- Aqvaswirle
- Baasbase
- Bezzaaa
- Browndown
- Ecrous
- Finalnova
- Fireburner
- Hatzganatta
- Hobothehill
- Impuredeath
- Jamiison
- Killerlux
- Nyoibou
- Sharpiepoops
- Sunxperous
- Travelingpik
- Yoyoyorlozer
More mouse device:
IN | 8,747 | April 1 to 2012:12:38 |


Abbreviation: BR and PT
Language: Portuguese.
Moderators of this community:
- Coleandro
- Faustosilva
- Halfast
- Jumbitos
- Juunx
- Kops
- Modaft
- Moderator
- Modjuliet
- Modnis
- Modstraight
- Modtenso
- Ninguem
- Prie
- Triga
- Yroak
Helpers of this community:
Amaciadoo |
Brazucastens |
Camhelper |
Christianpc |
Corhelper |
Dollyblue |
Dylanfm |
Evehelper |
Helpepper |
Imhuman |
Itsokhelper |
Joaomanoel |
Jurandar |
Kirahelper |
Luizhfn |
Marunyan |
Nhahelper |
Nhokw |
Ratodisco |
Reihelper |
Stylehelper |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- Skitterss
- Tuliomumic
More mouse device:
48,525 | July 16 to 2012:17:25 |


Abbreviation: RU
Language: Russian.
Moderators of this community:
- Denezhki
- Gubki
- Minamur
- Muthabor
- Nogotki
- Nozhki
- Nuliki
- Wuld
- Zhirki
Helpers of this community:
Adobehelper |
Avehelper |
Avihelper |
Bloodihelper |
Cepto |
Electrosky |
Freehelper |
Gazpromsham |
Jenhelper |
Kefhelper |
Kefirboy |
Kikys |
Kittyhelper |
Koteich |
Kotohelper |
Lovelyhelper |
Mimimihelper |
Mithelper |
Onehelper |
Qhelper |
QuestHelper |
Qwertyhelper |
Rehelper |
Sanoukiki |
Shambelbabel |
Shaytrololo |
Skhelper |
Slowhelper |
Soulfli |
Wercade |
Wjrhelper |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- Aqvaswirle
More mouse device:
RU | 3,668 | April 1 to 2012:08:53 |


Abbreviation: TR
Language: Turkish
Moderators of this community:
- Artcore
- Deamaus
- Hyypno
- Kingviking
- Nehirr
- Shebnem
- Sukelaci
- Trollcake
Helpers of this community:
Arfa |
Bahanem |
Frankofon |
Kediy |
Lammause |
Micesbaby |
Miragle |
Prodizyan |
Sedatpeker |
Skwillex |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- -
More mouse device:
TR | 16,025 | February 17 to 2012:11:13 |


Abbreviation: ES
Language: Spanish.
Moderators of this community:
- Arsinoã
- Asymptotee
- Bunniesmod
- Levols
- Modogrande
- Modonoke
- Shyraa
[More information click HERE ]
Helpers of this community:
Alexmusic |
Bogkitty |
Buenohelper |
Carcarmar |
Gastuu |
Geoorg |
Hardboch |
Hitsugayapd |
Jellypizza |
Joeddy |
Ltanfor |
Obemice |
Pieroto |
Puchetaaaaax |
Ratacp |
Salvamarika |
Yasmiimg |
[More information click HERE ]
Mapcrew members of this community:
- Jraton
[More information click HERE ]
More mouse device:
ES | 18,096 | October 19 to 2012:19:22 |


Abbreviation: CN
Language: Chinese.
Moderators of this community:
- Fatpandas
- Klauszhang
- Momokolee
- Piratearthur
- Plkzc
- Xiezi
Helpers of this community:
Doraemons |
Indelibled |
Klauszhang |
Rlbbingzero |
Winnielau |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- -
More mouse device:
CN | 791 | August 29 to 2011:04:23 |


Abbreviation: VK
Language: Scandinavian / Norwegian.
Moderators of this community:
- Cleyra
- Modblomma
- Policemod
- Pumahowl
Helpers of this community:
Apkrigare |
Dewilheart |
Maskulino |
Micehuana |
Sirpedro |
Swordknight |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- -
More mouse device:
VK | 715 | February 12 to 2012:12:53 |


Abbreviation: PL
Language: Polish
Moderators of this community:
- Arcanacra
Helpers of this community:
Cazanna |
Coska |
Deebox |
Julkax |
Klaudusi |
Laracerindar |
Modliszka |
Padida |
Pockeq |
Puffypl |
Sareczka |
Shyenne |
Staszekowaty |
Szasina |
Wisiaaa |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- -
More mouse device:
PL | 1,431 | January 4 at 2013:11:39 |


Abbreviation: HU
Language: Hungarian.
Moderators of this community:
- Wooferx
Helpers of this community:
Akithlouse |
Crapptar |
Vividia |
Vogul |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- -
More mouse device:
HU | 957 | January 11 at 2013:11:22 |


Abbreviation: NL
Language: Dutch.
Moderators of this community:
- Gogoninja
Helpers of this community:
Brendahahaha |
Fransjek |
Hellebaard |
Lisaaxx |
Musketrat |
Noobmean |
Pkkj |
Vunne |
Mapcrew members of this community:
- -
More mouse device:
NL | 524 | June 21 to 2012:12:25 |

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